Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I have this issue with becoming completely obsessed about silly things. Things like books, TV Shows or Video Games. I recently burned through all 2,514 pages of the Twilight Saga in less than 1 weeks time. Now this is with me still working full time, taking care of a 2 1/2 year old and my household. Once I get absorbed in a book there is not much that gets me to put it down. Then, when I put it down, the story just swirls around and around in my head over and over again until I pick it up again. Sometimes I think that books in general are more addicting for me than crack/cocaine would be.

Now, I did think about reviewing the books here, but I have decided against that. Mostly because just because I loved it does not mean you will, plus I do not think that I can write about it with enough impartiality to do it justice so I won't try.

What makes us so obsessive about things. It is a different thing for all of us, but we all have something I am sure. For me I am sure it is the escape to something outside my daily life. That yearn for something different or phantasmal(hooray for spell check). I guess with books in general you create that story in your head. You live it for that time and it becomes part of you and you start to believe that magic does exist.

So I am sure you can now see why I titled this BLOG what I did. Straight, coherent thoughts do not come to me easily I just write what I feel and ramble on and on. At this point I will end my first real post.

Til Later ~

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