Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vacations for most, except the dieter. My husband and I spent a weekend in Atlantic City recently. We had a great time. We stayed right on the boardwalk in a great hotel that you really did not need to leave. The problem is that there was no place to get a relatively healthy meal. None of the restaurants offered any kinds of "healthy" or "low-fat" food. It was all slathered in butters or oils and then deep fried. While it all tasted amazing, it did nothing good for our bodies.

We very quickly through the "eating healthy" part out the window. We would have had to eat the same 3 things everyday to stick to our diet. We did make sure that we were very active to balance out all of the artery clogging food. Overall this tactic worked to keep the pounds away but now we are back to the beginning of trying to ween yourself away from craving the unhealthy food. I just keep telling myself that you only need to eat like that occasionally, not daily. There is nothing wrong with that.

Loss Goal : 25 lbs
Down : 14.6 lbs lbs
To go: 10.4 lbs

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I used to think that my co-worker who rode her bike to work every morning, went to the gym and did the elipical on the highest setting for and hour and then would jog home all in one day, was a very different creature than myself. She always talks about her love of exercising and looking for ways to get more out of it for herself. I would just go home and sit on the couch and complain that I was tired all of the time.
Then I decided to loss weight. That in itself is nothing new. I have done that in the past. Those times I mostly just eat well. This time I finally got off the couch and started exercising. It was hard at first. But I found 2 workouts that I enjoy. I suddenly started finding myself looking forward to those workouts and how good I felt afterwards. For the first time I could see what my co-worker sees in all that physical activity.

Loss Goal : 25
lbsDown : 13 lbs
lbsTo go: 12 lbs

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So work today was all about temptation. Everyone was being nice and brought in snacks for our team. My choices were doughnuts (bad), Muffins (very bad) or Pineapple cake with Cream Cheese frosting and coconut (very, very, very bad) Not one healthy thing. My compromise was a can Coke not bad at all compared. That way I felt like I indulged but did not slide down that slippery slope of bad choices. It felt good. I felt strong.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still figuring things out!

So, as you can tell I am new to this stuff. Now that I have decied to update this Blog more often I will figure everything out. My HTML skills are so dusty. I can't even remember how to indent. So I promise sometime in the near future I will have a more interesting looking Blog.


So I have discovered a new obsession. Well, I was introduced to this obsession by my husband. For those of you who do not know what Twitter is, it is a simple messaging platform. How is it different then AIM or IChat? Well, First it limits you to only 140 characters at a time and the basic tag line is "What are you doing right now?" Second, it is a way to send a blast out to all your friends or followers of your most recent observation or what you are doing at the moment. The best part is you can have it sent directly to your phone and update your own status from your phone.
Why is it addicting? It is so simple. You can easily follow what your friends are up to all day long. The newest thing is that celebrities off all ilk are using this. All post are completely public. It is interesting to read things are coming straight from their mouths the minute that they think them. Now of course I know that said celebrities are not stupid. Of course they randomly peddle their next projects, but it can be damn entertaining in between. If you haven't tried this service out I would recommend it. You will be addicted in no time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Healthy Lifestyle

I have recently decided that I needed to lead a healthier lifestyle for both myself and my daughter. I am not what one would call obese but I am a little "thick" and my BMI does put me in the overweight range. Because I eat such crap food and do not do near enough physical activity (my job requires me to use little more energy than George Jetson did when he was at work) I have felt horrible all the time.
So of course I have made some positive changes in my lifestyle. I am on Weight Watchers, which will help me eat well for the rest of my life, and I am exercising. I decided that to help me out I would actually use my blog and post updates. I will be using this as a journal to track the good, the bad and the truth about a lifestyle change. Its not a diet, because diet is a temporary fix.
So, as I start this blog I am a month in. I am feeling so much better. You do not realize how many things lack of good food and exercise effect. I have more energy, the crazy mood swings have gotten better, the bouts of depression are subsiding and I overall just feel better. It is hard work. It takes a lot for me to say no to yummy food that is sitting there near me or to not buy the vat of ice cream for me to eat in one sitting.
Of course I do have my relapses and don't use the best of judgement. I am an emotional eater. I think that a lot of use are. I do not know what started this silly habit. Maybe just the term "Comfort Food " makes you think to stuff your face when your emotions are out of control. I do not know. I just know that when I am emotional I make poorer choices. I no longer have the strength to pick up the equally yummy fruit over the banana, or drink my water over my soda. The important thing for me is to realize that I am doing this and also remember that one bad food does not unmake a entire day. I will troop on by remembering how much better I feel AFTER I eat all that healthy food and how crappy I feel when eating the junk.

Loss Goal : 25 lbs
Down : 10 lbs
To go: 15 lbs

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I have this issue with becoming completely obsessed about silly things. Things like books, TV Shows or Video Games. I recently burned through all 2,514 pages of the Twilight Saga in less than 1 weeks time. Now this is with me still working full time, taking care of a 2 1/2 year old and my household. Once I get absorbed in a book there is not much that gets me to put it down. Then, when I put it down, the story just swirls around and around in my head over and over again until I pick it up again. Sometimes I think that books in general are more addicting for me than crack/cocaine would be.

Now, I did think about reviewing the books here, but I have decided against that. Mostly because just because I loved it does not mean you will, plus I do not think that I can write about it with enough impartiality to do it justice so I won't try.

What makes us so obsessive about things. It is a different thing for all of us, but we all have something I am sure. For me I am sure it is the escape to something outside my daily life. That yearn for something different or phantasmal(hooray for spell check). I guess with books in general you create that story in your head. You live it for that time and it becomes part of you and you start to believe that magic does exist.

So I am sure you can now see why I titled this BLOG what I did. Straight, coherent thoughts do not come to me easily I just write what I feel and ramble on and on. At this point I will end my first real post.

Til Later ~