Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I used to think that my co-worker who rode her bike to work every morning, went to the gym and did the elipical on the highest setting for and hour and then would jog home all in one day, was a very different creature than myself. She always talks about her love of exercising and looking for ways to get more out of it for herself. I would just go home and sit on the couch and complain that I was tired all of the time.
Then I decided to loss weight. That in itself is nothing new. I have done that in the past. Those times I mostly just eat well. This time I finally got off the couch and started exercising. It was hard at first. But I found 2 workouts that I enjoy. I suddenly started finding myself looking forward to those workouts and how good I felt afterwards. For the first time I could see what my co-worker sees in all that physical activity.

Loss Goal : 25
lbsDown : 13 lbs
lbsTo go: 12 lbs


Marc said...

Congrats on the progress! I had no idea that our co-worker jogged home!

My favorite exercises require other people to be around: Basketball, Baseball, Football, etc.

What are your favs?

MommaSqwirl said...

I like group exercise but it is very hard for me to get somewhere that I can participate in them, other than dance. Looking forward to the warmer weather so that I can take the girl to the park after work and we can run around together.

Our co-worker jogs home from the gym down the street from her after her workout most mornings. She is always telling us how much she likes it.